Install ruby 2.3.1 in macOS 10.15 Catalina with rbenv

Ly Channa
1 min readJan 5, 2020


The new macOS Catalina 10.15 with default openssl@1.1 build failed.

use the following to install it.

RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS=”-with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl” rbenv install 2.3.1

gem libv8 issue in macOS 10.15 Catalina

Install libv8 v= get stuck with macOS Catalina. Update mini_racer to depend on the libv8 version greater than 7.x.x.

I had gem ‘mini_racer’, ‘~> 0.2.4’ which depends on libv8(

# Gemfile
gem 'mini_racer', '~> 0.2.6'

and then run bundle update mini_racer to force libv8 dependency to the version greater than 6.x.x.

Fetching libv8 7.3.492.27.1 (x86_64-darwin-19) (was
Installing libv8 7.3.492.27.1 (x86_64-darwin-19) (was

gem mysql2 in macOS Catalina

brew install mysql@5.7
brew install mysql-client@5.7

If you have an OpenSSL issue, try this

#double check if you have openssl install in /usr/local/opt/openssl
gem install mysql2 -v '0.3.21' -- --with-ldflags=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib --with-cppflags=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include

The issue is keg-only in Brew. Brew instructs you to export your installation path to ~/.zshrc. I found most of the time after making a change to the ~/.zshrc and then I run a command source ~/.zshrc but seems not to work. I finally end up opening a new tab instead then thing works like a charm.

LoadError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory mysql2/

I had the above error when building docker image in CircleCI workflow to AWS ECS. I solved the problem by installing:

libmariadb-dev and libmariadbclient-dev



Ly Channa
Ly Channa

Written by Ly Channa

Highly skilled: REST API, OAuth2, OpenIDConnect, SSO, TDD, RubyOnRails, CI/CD, Infrastruct as Code, AWS.

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